Monthly Archives: February 2017

WIL seeks exemplary students for the PhD program in Informatics, with an emphasis on Mechanical Engineering

We are pleased to announce that the Wearable Informatics Lab is seeking applicants for a grant funded research assistantship (RA) position in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems. This position will have a strong Mechanical Engineering / Mechatronic focus. Qualified students should have completed or will complete a degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, or a related field by May/June of 2017. Masters students graduating by the end of summer 2017 are also strongly encouraged to apply.

Interested candidates should email Dr. Kyle Winfree ( directly, with an attached CV showing academic and research success, as well as a short (less than one page) statement of research interests. Be sure to detail in your statement of research interests what your long term goals are, and ultimately what field of research is of the most interest to you.