WearWare TK

The WearWare Toolkit (WW-TK) is a GNU Octave / Mathworks Matlab based toolkit for the analysis of high resolution wearable device data and is maintained by the Wearable Informatics Lab at NAU.  It currently includes support for Fitbit, ActiGraph, and Polar devices, though future releases will add support for other devices (as requested).

To download this library, please fill out the contact form here: WearWare Request

By filling out this form, you will be added to the users and developers listserv and confirm that you agree to the WearWare license (GNU GPLv3).  This will afford you access to the production version of WearWare, at no cost for any use (so long as the license remains intact). A development version, which includes upcoming features still under testing and device support specific to certain projects, is only available to partnered research institutions jointly collaborating on a WearWare related research project.

In addition to the Toolkit, the Wearable Informatics Lab maintains a WearWare Fetch platform, which is able to collect data directly from the Fitbit corporation on subjects registered in the WearWare Fetch system.  For more information on this platform, please contact Dr. Winfree directly at kyle.winfree@nau.edu.

Okay, let’s get started then!

Other tools we use in the lab, and have tried to build integration support with WearWare for:

GNU Octave: https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/index

Mathworks MATLAB: https://www.mathworks.com

DataVyu: https://datavyu.org/

ActiGraph: https://www.theactigraph.com

Fitbit: https://fitbit.com